Setting up helm
, the package manager for Kubernetes, is a useful
command line tool for: installing, upgrading and managing applications on a
Kubernetes cluster. Helm packages are called charts. We will be installing and
managing JupyterHub on our Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart.
Charts are abstractions describing how to install packages onto a Kubernetes
cluster. When a chart is deployed, it works as a templating engine to populate
multiple yaml
files for package dependencies with the required variables, and
then runs kubectl apply
to apply the configuration to the resource and install
the package.
If you previously installed Z2JH using Helm 2, it is worth noting that Helm 3 includes several major breaking changes. See the Helm 3 FAQ for more information.
For migrating from Helm v2 to v3, checkout the official Helm guide.
For version 4.1.0 of the Helm chart, helm
>=3.5 is
While several methods to install Helm exist, the simplest way to install Helm is to run Helm’s installer script in a terminal:
curl | bash
You can verify that it is installed properly by running:
helm version
Next Step#
Congratulations, helm
is now set up! Let’s continue with Setup JupyterHub!