Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS)#
AWS does not have native support for Kubernetes, however there are many organizations that have put together their own solutions and guides for setting up Kubernetes on AWS.
This guide uses kops to setup a cluster on AWS. This should be seen as a rough template you will use to setup and shape your cluster.
The Procedure#
Create an IAM (Identity and Access Management) Role.
This role will be used to give your CI host permission to create and destroy resources on AWS. Instructions for creating a role can be found here. The following policies are required:
Route53FullAccess (Optional)
Create a new instance to use as your CI host. This node will deal with provisioning and tearing down the cluster.
This instance can be small (t2.micro for example).
When creating it, assign the IAM role created in step 1.
Once created, download ssh keys (.pem file). Ensure permissions are restrictive on the file:
chmod 400 name.pem
SSH to your CI host. Instructions on how to do this are given here.
Install kops and kubectl on your CI host
Follow the instructions here: kubernetes/kops
Choose a cluster name:
Since we are not using pre-configured DNS we will use the suffix “.k8s.local”. Per the docs, if the DNS name ends in .k8s.local the cluster will use internal hosted DNS.
export NAME=<somename>.k8s.local
Setup an ssh keypair to use with the cluster:
Create an S3 bucket to store your cluster configuration
Since we are on AWS we can use a S3 backing store. It is recommended to enabling versioning on the S3 bucket. We don’t need to pass this into the KOPS commands. It is automatically detected by the kops tool as an env variable.
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://<your_s3_bucket_name_here>
Set the region to deploy in:
export REGION=`curl -s|grep region|awk -F\" '{print $4}'`
Install the AWS CLI:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install awscli
Set the availability zones for the nodes
For this guide we will be allowing nodes to be deployed in all AZs:
export ZONES=$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region $REGION | grep ZoneName | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '"')
Create the cluster
For a basic setup run the following (All sizes measured in GB):
kops create cluster $NAME \ --zones "$ZONES" \ --authorization RBAC \ --master-size t3a.small \ --master-volume-size 10 \ --node-size t3.medium \ --node-volume-size 10 \ --yes
For a more secure setup add the following params to the kops command:
--topology private \ --networking weave \
This creates a cluster where all of the masters and nodes are in private subnets and don’t have external IP addresses. A mis-configured security group or insecure ssh configuration is less likely to compromise the cluster. In order to SSH into your cluster you will need to set up a bastion node. Make sure you do that step below. If you have the default number of elastic IPs (10) you may need to put in a request to AWS support to bump up that limit. The alternative is reducing the number of zones specified.
More reading on this subject: https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/HEAD/docs/networking.md
Settings to consider (not covered in this guide):
--vpc Allows you to use a custom VPC or share a VPC https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/HEAD/docs/run_in_existing_vpc.md --master-count Spawns more masters in one or more VPCs This improves redudancy and reduces downtime during cluster upgrades --master-zones specify zones to run the master in --node-count Increases the total nodes created (default 2) --master/node-security-groups Allows you to specify additional security groups to put the masters and nodes in by default --ssh-access By default SSH access is open to the world ( If you are using a private topology, this is not a problem. If you are using a public topology make sure your ssh keys are strong and you keep sshd up to date on your cluster's nodes.
Consider setting a cloud budget for your AWS account in order to make sure you don’t accidentally spend more than you wish to.
Wait for the cluster to start-up
Running the
kops validate cluster
command will tell us what the current state of setup is. If you see “can not get nodes” initially, just be patient as the cluster can’t report until a few basic services are up and running.Keep running
kops validate cluster
until you see “Your cluster $NAME is ready” at the end of the output:time until kops validate cluster; do sleep 15; done
can be used to automate the waiting process.
If at any point you wish to destroy your cluster after this step, run
kops delete cluster $NAME --yes
Confirm that
is connected to your Kubernetes cluster.Run:
kubectl get nodes
You should see a list of two nodes, each beginning with
.If you want to use kubectl and helm locally:
run the following on CI host:
kops export kubecfg
copy the contents of
to the same place on your local system
If you wish to put the kube config file in a different location, you will need to run:
export KUBECONFIG=<other kube config location>
Configure ssh bastion (Skip this step if you did not go with the –topology private option above!)
Ideally we would simply be passing the
flag into the kops command above. However that flag is not functioning as intended at the moment. kubernetes/kops#2881Instead we need to follow this guide: kubernetes/kops
At this point there are a few public endpoints left open which need to be addressed
Bastion ELB security group defaults to access from
API ELB security group defaults to access from
Enable dynamic storage on your Kubernetes cluster.
Create a file,
on your local computer, and enter this text:kind: StorageClass apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 metadata: annotations: storageclass.beta.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true" name: gp2 provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs parameters: type: gp2
Next, run this command:
kubectl apply -f storageclass.yml
This enables dynamic provisioning of disks, allowing us to automatically assign a disk per user when they log in to JupyterHub.
EC2 instance metadata is data detailing configuring and running the running instance. This data is potentially sensitive and can be seen by anyone with direct access to the instance. This metadata is blocked by an init-container by default since they override
used in setting up the instance. Setting up and securing access to this metadata can be done by adding aniptables
rule in an init-container as shownhere <https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5-doc/security.html>
_ in the cloud metadata security section.
There are simple methods for encrypting your Kubernetes cluster. Illustrated here are simple methods for encryption at rest and encryption in transit.
Encryption at Rest
Instead of performing step 13 above. Create the following storageclass.yml
file on your local computer:
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
storageclass.beta.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
name: gp2
provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
type: gp2
encrypted: "true"
The main difference is the addition of the line encrypted: "true"
and make note that true
is in double quotes.
Next run these commands:
kubectl delete storageclass gp2
kubectl apply -f storageclass.yml
Kubernetes will not allow you to modify storageclass gp2 in order to add the encrypted
flag so you will have to delete it first.
This will encrypt any dynamic volumes (such as your notebook)created by Kubernetes, it will not encrypt the storage on the Kubernetes nodes themselves.
Encryption in Transit
In step 9 above, set up the cluster with weave by including the --networking weave
flag in the kops create
command above.
Then perform the following steps:
Verify weave is running:
kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods
You should see several pods of the form
Create Kubernetes secret with a private password of sufficient strength. A random 128 bytes is used in this example:
openssl rand -hex 128 >weave-passwd kubectl create secret -n kube-system generic weave-passwd --from-file=./weave-passwd
It is important that the secret name and its value (taken from the filename) are the same. If they do not match you may get a
Patch Weave with the password:
kubectl patch --namespace=kube-system daemonset/weave-net --type json -p '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/0", "value": { "name": "WEAVE_PASSWORD", "valueFrom": { "secretKeyRef": { "key": "weave-passwd", "name": "weave-passwd" } } } } ]'
If you want to remove the encryption you can use the following patch:
kubectl patch --namespace=kube-system daemonset/weave-net --type json -p '[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/0"} ]'
Check to see that the pods are restarted. To expedite the process you can delete the old pods.
You can verify encryption is turned on with the following command:
kubectl exec -n kube-system weave-net-<pod> -c weave -- /home/weave/weave --local status
You should see
encryption: enabled
If you really want to insure encryption is working, you can listen on port
of any node. If the traffic looks like gibberish, you know it is on.