(ovh)= # Kubernetes on [OVHcloud](https://www.ovhcloud.com/) (OVH) [OVHcloud](https://www.ovhcloud.com/) is a leader in the hosted private cloud services space in Europe. They offer a managed Kubernetes service as well as a managed private registry for Docker images. This page describes how to create a Kubernetes cluster using the OVH Control Panel, and how to access the cluster using the command line with `kubectl`. 1. Log in to the [OVH Control Panel](https://www.ovh.com/auth/). ```{note} You first need to create an OVH account if you don't have one already. ``` 2. Click on the **Public Cloud** tab in the navigation bar. ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/public-cloud.png :alt: Public Cloud entry in the navigation bar ``` 3. If you don't have an OVH Stack, you can create one by clicking on the following button: ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/create-ovh-stack.png :alt: Button to create an OVH stack ``` 4. Select a name for the project 5. If you don't have a payment method yet, select one and click on "Create my project": ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/payment.png :alt: Select a payment method ``` 6. Using the **Public Cloud interface**, click on **Managed Kubernetes Service** and then **Create a Kubernetes cluster**: ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/create-cluster-button.png :alt: Create a new Kubernetes cluster ``` 7. Select a **Location**, **1.15** as the Kubernetes version and a **name** for the cluster: ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/create-cluster-options.png :alt: Create a new Kubernetes cluster - Options ``` 8. Click on **Send** 9. Once the cluster is ready, click on **Nodes** to add 2 nodes: ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/add-nodes.png :alt: Add nodes to the cluster ``` You can start with the **b2-7** flavor, or choosing a different flavor based on your requirements. 10. Download the `kubeconfig` file and store it under `~/.kube/config` on your machine. ```{image} ../../_static/images/ovh/kubeconfig.png :alt: Download the kubeconfig ``` 11. To test if your cluster is initialized, run: ``` kubectl get node ``` The response should list two running nodes (or however many nodes you set with `--num-nodes` above). ```{note} Check out the [Kubernetes Documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/ install-kubectl) to install `kubectl`. ``` Congrats! Now that you have your Kubernetes cluster running, it's time to begin {ref}`setup-helm`.