(redhat-openshift)= # Kubernetes on Red Hat OpenShift [OpenShift](https://www.okd.io/) from RedHat is a cluster manager based on Kubernetes. For setting up JupyterHub on OpenShift, check out the [JupyterHub on OpenShift](https://github.com/jupyter-on-openshift/jupyterhub-quickstart) project. It provides an OpenShift template based JupyterHub deployment. Zero to JupyterHub uses [helm](https://helm.sh) which is currently usable with OpenShift; yet deploying helm on OpenShift is somewhat complicated (see RedHat's blog post on [Getting Started with Helm on OpenShift](https://cloud.redhat.com/blog/getting-started-helm-openshift)). ## Additional resources about Jupyter on OpenShift - An excellent series of OpenShift blog posts on Jupyter and OpenShift authored by Red Hat developer, Graham Dumpleton, are available on the [OpenShift blog](https://cloud.redhat.com/blog/jupyter-openshift-using-openshift-data-analytics).